Capital Ism

March                                                                      2017


Pyramid of the Capitalist System: Some pathologies of America’s economic system with social and environmentally just alternatives.


With the election of a purported billionaire to the US Presidency and his subsequent appointment of other Billionaires and multi-millionaires to his cabinet I suggest that we pause and ponder the value of hoarding financial and natural resources. What’s it like when Billionaires rule the world? Its a Pyramid Scheme.


Sustainability Action Network’s perspective is nicely summed up by our co-founder, Michael Almon. His narrative describing our Energy Conservation and Renewables Program found here.


This month we have stories about Capitalism, Ecosocialism, Intergenerational Justice and overshoot. Enjoy and don’t get depressed. In Permaculture design circles you hear the phrase

‘the problem holds the solution’

As you will see many have already started…solving.





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